Sound of Metal injects visceral, edgy circumstances with remarkable sensitivity. Starring: Riz Ahmed, Olivia Cooke, Mathieu Amalric and others. Tracący słuch perkusista musi pogodzić się z przyszłością, która wypełniona będzie ciszą.

This is another one of those sounds which cannot be re-recorded or. Starring: Riz Ahmed, Olivia Cooke, Mathieu Amalric and others. Narra la historia de un joven batería de una banda de música que comienza a perder la audición. (FILMAFFINITY).

Sound of Metal

It tells the story of a drummer who begins to lose his hearing. Um jovem bateirista teme por seu futuro quando percebe que está gradualmente ficando surdo. Duas paixões estão em jogo: a música e sua namorada, que é integrante da mesma banda de heavy metal que o rapaz. Essa mudança drástica acarreta em muita tensão e. Mít kapelu je cool, pokud to není boyband a člověku netáhne na čtyřicet. To naštěstí není problém hlavního hrdiny Sound of Metal a už podle názvu je celkem jasné, že tady se hraje tvrdší hudba.

Trailer Sound of Metal

Sound of Metal est un film réalisé par Darius Marder avec Riz Ahmed, Olivia Cooke. Synopsis : Ruben et Lou vivent en marge des villes dans leur caravane, sillonnant les États-Unis entre deux concerts. Alors que sa copine hurle dans le micro, Ruben, lui, met.

A sensory overload, Sound of Metal is one of the most fascinating films you'll see all year. Even when Darius Marder's lengthy character drama isn't quite working - a problem that persists in the final act - it's always engaging. Sound of Metal puts you in its main. Everything changes when the drummer of a heavy metal band begins to lose his hearing and has to come to grips with a future that will be filled with silence.

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